The Ajitsingh Nagar police have taken a significant step by registering an attempt-to-murder case under Section 307 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) in connection with the recent stone-pelting incident targeting Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy. The incident occurred during his ‘Memantha Siddham’ bus yatra in Vijayawada on April 13 (Saturday).
Stone Pelting on YS Jagan Reddy
Late in the evening, as Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy was campaigning in the district, he faced a sudden attack. A stone was hurled at him, resulting in a forehead injury. The Chief Minister was not the sole victim; YSRCP MLA Vellampalli Srinivas also sustained injuries during the incident.
Investigation and Suspects
The police swiftly initiated an investigation into the matter. Sixteen hours after the incident, the NTR Commissionerate Police acted upon a complaint lodged by MLA Vellampalli Srinivas and registered the case. The suspects, who were allegedly involved in the stone pelting, have been taken into custody for questioning.
The police are examining CCTV footage from the area to piece together the events leading up to the attack. The assailants may have taken cover in the narrow lane behind the trees between the Ganganamma temple and a nearby school. The darkness of the night made it challenging to gather conclusive evidence from the footage.
The Culprits
While the exact number of perpetrators remains uncertain, it is suspected that more than one person participated in the attack. The stone first struck Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy and then MLA Vellampalli Srinivas, who suffered an eye injury. The police believe that the culprits hurled the stone from a distance of 15 to 20 feet.
Heightened Security Measures for Jagan Mohan Reddy
Additional police personnel have been deployed at the Dhabakotlu Centre in Ajitsingh Nagar, the location of the incident. Authorities are determined to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure the safety of public figures during political campaigns.
As the investigation continues, the police are also exploring footage captured by drone cameras to shed light on the sequence of events. The incident has raised concerns about security arrangements during political rallies and the need for vigilance in safeguarding leaders.
Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy and MLA Vellampalli Srinivas received medical attention at the Government General Hospital (GGH). The authorities remain committed to identifying and apprehending those responsible for this brazen attack on a democratically elected leader.
Note: The investigation is ongoing, and further updates will be provided as new information emerges.