An Indian-origin student from Tamil Nadu’s Coimbatore, identified as Achinthya Sivalingam, was arrested on Thursday for participating in a pro-Palestine protest at a US university campus. The incident occurred at Princeton University, where Sivalingam and other students expressed solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
Achinthya Sivalingam Arrest and Campus Ban
Sivalingam, who hails from Tamil Nadu and was brought up in Columbus, Ohio, was apprehended during the student-led demonstration. The protest took place within the premises of Princeton University. As a consequence of his involvement, Sivalingam has been banned from the campus pending a disciplinary process. The charges against him include trespassing and disrupting university activities.
Growing Movement
The pro-Palestine movement has gained momentum across various US universities, including prestigious Ivy League schools like Harvard and Yale. The demonstrations initially began at Columbia University and have since spread to other institutions. The arrest of Sivalingam highlights the fervor with which students are engaging in discussions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
As the situation unfolds, the university community awaits further developments regarding Sivalingam’s case. The incident underscores the delicate balance between freedom of expression and maintaining order within educational institutions.