In a recent cinematic endeavor, director Parasuram Petla brings together the charismatic Vijay Deverakonda and the talented Mrunal Thakur in “Family Star.” Unfortunately, this star-studded vehicle fails to ignite the screen, leaving audiences with a sense of déjà vu.
Family Star: Plot
The film revolves around Govardhan (played by Vijay Deverakonda), a middle-class family man who dutifully shoulders responsibilities. His household includes his grandmother (Rohini Hattangadi), two brothers, sisters-in-law, and their children. Govardhan wears his attitude on his sleeve, flexing his muscles when needed. His life takes an unexpected turn when a new tenant, Indu (Mrunal Thakur), arrives.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Good:
- Vijay Deverakonda’s Performance: As expected, Deverakonda delivers a credible performance. His swagger and charisma shine through, even in lackluster scenes.
- Initial Interactions: The banter between Govardhan and Indu provides some fun moments. Mrunal Thakur’s portrayal of the student from the University of Hyderabad adds freshness.
The Bad:
- Dated Storyline: The plot of Family Star feels like a relic from the past. The initial promise of a masala family entertainer fizzles out as the narrative unfolds.
- Shallow Characterization: Except for Govardhan, the other family members remain underdeveloped. Their relationships lack depth, leaving us wanting more.
The Ugly:
- Incoherent Chaos: The film veers into chaos, losing its way entirely. The shift to the US introduces a plot that defies logic and coherence.
Verdict of Family Star
“Family Star” lacks originality and brilliance. Despite glimpses of potential, it succumbs to sluggish pacing and a lack of emotional depth. Had it embraced comedy and tightened its narrative, it could have been a decent watch.
In conclusion, “Family Star” is a star vehicle running on autopilot, failing to soar to greater heights. Perhaps the real star here is the missed opportunity for a memorable cinematic experience.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this review are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of any organization or entity.