In a bid to enhance user experience, WhatsApp is working on a groundbreaking feature that will enable users to share files and documents without requiring an internet connection. This feature, currently in beta testing, promises seamless file transfer between two WhatsApp accounts using a peer-to-peer mechanism via Bluetooth.
How It Works
The upcoming feature, aptly named “People Nearby,” leverages the proximity of devices to facilitate file sharing. Here’s how it will function:
- Discoverability: Users will need to grant necessary permissions, including the option to be discoverable by nearby users. This ensures that devices within close range can identify each other for file exchange.
- End-to-End Encryption: Just like WhatsApp messages and calls, the file transfers will be end-to-end encrypted. Users can rest assured that their data remains secure during the process.
- Hidden Phone Numbers: Throughout the transfer, the phone numbers of both parties will remain hidden to maintain privacy.
- File Types Supported: The feature will allow users to transfer photos, videos, documents, and other files without relying on cellular data or an internet connection.
- User Interface: WhatsApp will introduce a dedicated screen where users can view all available nearby devices. From this screen, they can seamlessly share files with nearby contacts.
WhatsApp Beta Testing and Availability
As of now, the feature is accessible only to a limited number of beta users. However, we anticipate WhatsApp to expand its availability to a broader audience in the coming weeks.
This innovation marks a significant step toward making WhatsApp an even more versatile and user-friendly platform. Stay tuned for updates as the People Nearby feature continues to evolve1.
While currently limited to beta testers, the offline file sharing feature is expected to be rolled out to a wider audience in a future update for the official WhatsApp app. This functionality could prove to be extremely useful in situations where internet connectivity is unreliable or unavailable.