Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, has been released from Tihar Jail after spending 50 days in custody. The Supreme Court granted him interim bail until June 1 to enable him to campaign for the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. Kejriwal was arrested on March 21 on corruption charges related to an alleged liquor policy scam. Now, with his release, he can actively participate in the election campaign.
Here are the key points about Arvind Kejriwal’s situation:
Interim Bail and Campaigning:
- The Supreme Court granted Kejriwal interim bail until June 1 specifically for election campaigning.
- He can now campaign for the AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) and the INDIA bloc in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.
- Delhi’s seven seats will vote on May 25.
Lok Sabha Seats Kejriwal Can Campaign For:
- The AAP supremo can campaign for 18 seats out of the total 22 Lok Sabha seats that the AAP is contesting.
- However, there are a few seats where he could not campaign:
- In the first phase of elections, AAP contested 2 seats in Assam.
- In the third phase of elections, AAP contested 2 seats in Gujarat.
- Nearly 12-13 days remain for the election campaign in Delhi, where the AAP is contesting 4 seats.
- The Kurukshetra seat in Haryana, where the Aam Aadmi Party is contesting, also has equal time remaining.
- The poll campaign in Punjab is still pending, where AAP is contesting all 13 seats3.
Kejriwal’s Call to Voters:
- In his first public remarks after being released, Kejriwal urged voters to “save the country from dictatorship.”
- He is expected to hit the ground running with a roadshow today.
Arvind Kejriwal’s release marks a significant development in the election landscape, and his active participation in campaigning could have an impact on the electoral outcome. As the election season progresses, all eyes will be on how he leverages these 21 days to rally support for his party and allies.