Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife, Sunita Kejriwal, is stepping into the political spotlight. She is set to kick off her election campaigning for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) with a mega roadshow in the East Delhi Lok Sabha constituency today. This marks her maiden roadshow in the national capital as she campaigns for the AAP’s East Delhi candidate, Kuldeep Kumar.
Campaign Details of Sunita Kejriwal:
- Date: April 27, 2024
- Location: East Delhi constituency
- Purpose: Rallying support for AAP candidates and seeking blessings for her husband, Arvind Kejriwal
- Additional Roadshow: Sunita Kejriwal will also hold a roadshow in the West Delhi constituency on Sunday, continuing her efforts to garner votes and blessings from the people.
Emerging Role in AAP:
- Sunita Kejriwal, a retired Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer, has been gradually assuming a larger role within the AAP. Her husband’s arrest in the Delhi liquor policy case prompted her to step up and actively participate in the party’s campaign.
- In March and April, she addressed rallies for the INDIA bloc in both Delhi and Jharkhand.
- At a recent rally in Ranchi, known as the “Ulgulan Nyay Mahrally,” Sunita Kejriwal accused the Centre of denying insulin to her husband, who has Type 2 diabetes. She expressed concern about his well-being and the conditions of his confinement in Tihar Jail.
The AAP, in alliance with the Congress, is contesting the Lok Sabha polls in Delhi. The party has fielded candidates in East Delhi, West Delhi, South Delhi, and New Delhi constituencies. With AAP’s campaign facing challenges, Sunita Kejriwal’s active involvement aims to rally support not only in Delhi but also in Punjab, Gujarat, and Haryana4.
As the election fervor intensifies, Sunita Kejriwal’s roadshow today will be closely watched by political observers and voters alike. Her commitment to the party’s cause and her efforts to seek blessings for her husband reflect the determination of a woman who has stepped out of the shadows to make her mark in Indian politics. Stay tuned for further updates on the campaign trail! 🗳️🇮🇳