A devastating fire at the TRP amusement and theme park’s gaming zone in Rajkot, Gujarat, claimed the lives of at least 35 people, including 12 children, on Saturday evening. The tragedy has sent shockwaves through the community, prompting investigations into the cause of the accident and the management’s negligence.
Negligence and Illegal Operations in Rajkot Gaming Zone
The investigation into the Rajkot gaming zone fire has revealed significant negligence and illegal operations by the management. Here are the key findings:
- Operating Without Necessary Licences: The gaming zone operated without a No Objection Certificate (NOC) in a residential area. This lack of proper documentation raised concerns about safety regulations.
- Hazardous Materials: The facility stored hazardous materials, including large quantities of diesel (1500-2000 liters for generators) and petrol (1000-1500 liters for go-karting). These flammable substances made the gaming zone highly susceptible to fire hazards.
- Lack of Safety Protocols: The two-story gaming zone had only one gate for entry and exit, which further compromised safety. Proper safety protocols were absent, putting visitors at risk.
Cause of Fire and Investigation
Officials suspect that the fire might have been caused by a short circuit. However, a thorough investigation is underway to determine the exact cause. The state government has formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the incident. Firefighting efforts have been challenging due to the collapse of the temporary structure and high wind velocity1.
Illegal Expansion and Bypassing Safety Evaluations in Rajkot Gaming Zone
The amusement park was set up in a flimsy shed-like structure to bypass regulatory approvals. Despite lacking proper licenses, the facility continued to attract visitors who were unaware of the imminent dangers. Investigators discovered that the game zone managers had expanded the facility to three stories by obtaining a ride certificate. They secured permission from the police for the amusement park and sought approval for rides from the mechanical branch, avoiding comprehensive safety evaluations.
Arrests and Compensation
In response to this tragedy, the owner of the amusement park and the manager have been arrested. Rajkot Mayor announced that an investigation would be launched to understand how the gaming zone was operating without proper licensing. The state government has also announced a compensation package of Rs 4 lakh for the families of the deceased and Rs 50,000 for each injured person1.
As the investigation continues, the focus remains on justice for the victims and ensuring that such preventable accidents do not occur in the future. The loss of innocent lives serves as a stark reminder of the importance of adhering to safety regulations and conducting thorough inspections in entertainment facilities.