Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan was initially roped in to play the female lead in the upcoming pan-India film, Toxic: A Fairytale For Grown-Ups, starring Yash. However, recent reports suggest that Nayanthara might replace Kareena in the film. Let’s dive into the details:
Yash’s Toxic: A Fairytale For Grown-Ups
Directed by Geetu Mohandas, Toxic was officially announced on December 8, 2023. Yash shared the intriguing title with an Instagram clip, captioning it, “‘What you seek is seeking you’ – Rumi! A Fairy Tale for Grown-ups #TOXIC.” The film is described as an action-packed thriller centered around the world of drug mafia. It is set to hit cinemas on April 10, 2025.
Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Exit
Initially, Kareena Kapoor Khan was set to play the role of Yash’s sister in Toxic. However, due to date issues, she opted out of the highly-anticipated project. As a result, the makers are now in advanced talks with Nayanthara for the pivotal role of Yash’s sister. Nayanthara, a well-known actress in the South Indian film industry, has reportedly shown interest in the character and connected well with Geethu Mohandas’s vision for the film.
Nayanthara as Yash’s Sister
The role of Yash’s sister is crucial to the film’s narrative, and Nayanthara seems to be the top choice to fill this role. Yash and director Geetu Mohandas have already had multiple meetings with Nayanthara, and if everything goes well, she will come on board within the next fortnight3. Fans are eagerly awaiting official confirmation regarding Nayanthara’s involvement in the project.
Kiara Advani as the Female Lead
While the makers are yet to officially announce Yash’s leading lady, it was previously reported that Kiara Advani has been roped in to play the female lead in Toxic. The film promises high-octane action and suspense, making it one of the most anticipated releases in Indian cinema.
Stay tuned for further updates as the cast and crew finalize the details for this exciting project! 🎬🌟