A tragic incident unfolded in Vancouver as a 24-year-old Indian student, Chirag Antil, was fatally shot inside his car. The young man, who had traveled to Canada in 2022 to pursue higher education, met an untimely end in the bustling city.
The Incident
On the evening of April 12, residents in the area of East 55th Avenue and Main Street reported hearing gunshots. When officers arrived at the scene, they discovered Chirag Antil’s lifeless body inside his vehicle. The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) swiftly launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding this tragic event.
A Promising Life Cut Short
Chirag Antil hailed from Sonipat, Haryana, India. He was the youngest son of Mahavir Antil, a retired employee of the Sugar Mill Department of the Haryana Government. Chirag’s pursuit of knowledge led him to Vancouver, where he enrolled at the University Canada West (UCW) in British Columbia. After completing his MBA, he began working at a Canadian company.
Remembering Chirag Antil
Chirag’s brother, Ronit, described him as a “kind-hearted” individual. Their last conversation before the tragic incident left Ronit with memories of a happy and hopeful Chirag. The family, along with the Chief of the National Students’ Union of India, Varun Choudhary, is seeking justice for Chirag. They have urged the Indian government to closely monitor the investigation and provide necessary support during this difficult time.
Seeking Justice and Repatriation
In a heartfelt plea, Varun Choudhary tweeted, “Urgent attention regarding the murder of Chirag Antil, an Indian student in Vancouver, Canada. We urge the Ministry of External Affairs to closely monitor the progress of the investigation and ensure that justice is swiftly served. Additionally, we request the Ministry to extend all necessary support and assistance to the family of the deceased during this difficult time.”
Chirag’s family has also collaborated with the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe to repatriate their son’s body to India.
The loss of a promising young life has left the Indian community in Canada devastated, and they join hands in demanding justice for Chirag Antil.