In a significant political development, Arvinder Singh Lovely, the former Delhi Congress chief, has joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The move comes after his recent resignation from the post of Delhi Congress president, citing opposition to the Congress’s alliance with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).
Background of Arvinder Singh Lovely
Arvinder Singh Lovely had been a prominent figure in Delhi politics, serving as the president of the Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee. However, his dissatisfaction with the party’s alliance strategy led him to step down from his position. Lovely expressed his concerns about the Congress’s decision to align with the AAP, which he believed was not in the best interest of the party.
The Joining Ceremony of Arvinder Singh Lovely
On Saturday, May 4, 2024, Arvinder Singh Lovely officially joined the BJP at the party headquarters. Alongside him, three former Congress MLAs—Rajkumar Chauhan, Naseeb Singh, and Neeraj Basoya—also made the switch to the BJP. Additionally, Amit Malik, the youth Congress chief in Delhi, joined the saffron party.
Clarification on Rumors
Amid speculation about his political future, Lovely clarified that he had resigned solely from the post of Delhi Congress chief and had no intention of joining any other political party. His decision to join the BJP underscores the shifting political landscape in Delhi ahead of the upcoming elections.
Impact on Delhi Politics
Lovely’s move to the BJP is likely to have repercussions on the political dynamics in the national capital. As a seasoned politician with a significant following, his defection could influence voter sentiments and party strategies in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
The BJP welcomed Arvinder Singh Lovely into its fold, emphasizing his experience and commitment to public service. Meanwhile, the Congress faces the challenge of reorganizing its leadership in Delhi following his departure.