In a heartbreaking turn of events, Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat has been disqualified from the Paris 2024 Olympics wrestling competition. The disqualification occurred due to her being overweight in the women’s 50kg category on the morning of her gold medal bout.
The Weight Issue
At Paris 2024, each weight category is organized over two competition days. The medical control and weigh-in for each category take place on the morning of the first competition day. On the second competition day, athletes who have qualified for the finals and repechage are weighed in again. Unfortunately, Vinesh Phogat weighed in a few grams over the 50kg limit on the second day, leading to her disqualification.
Vinesh Phogat’s Journey
Despite this setback, Vinesh Phogat’s journey in the competition was remarkable. She entered the competition unseeded and won three bouts on Wednesday. In the opening round, she defeated top seed and Tokyo 2020 champion Yui Susaki of Japan. In the quarter-finals, she bested former European champion Oksana Livach of Ukraine. Finally, in the semis, she triumphed over reigning Pan American Games champion Yusneylis Guzman of Cuba.
The Final Bout That Wasn’t
Vinesh Phogat was slated to face USA’s Sarah Hildebrandt, seeded sixth, in the final. However, her disqualification dashed her hopes of competing for the gold medal.
The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) expressed regret over the situation and requested respect for Vinesh’s privacy. They emphasized focusing on the remaining competitions.
A Bittersweet Outcome for Vinesh Phogat
While Vinesh Phogat’s disqualification is undoubtedly disappointing, her journey to the final showcased her talent and determination. As the wrestling world reflects on this turn of events, we can only hope that Vinesh continues to shine in future competitions.
Source: Olympics.com1