In a shocking incident, a 20-year-old nursing student was allegedly raped in Maharashtra’s Ratnagiri district. The survivor, who was returning home from college, had booked an auto-rickshaw. The driver offered her water mixed with sedatives. After consuming the water, she lost consciousness, and the man took her to a secluded spot where he allegedly assaulted her1234.
The incident has sparked protests by the city’s nursing community, with civilians and hospital staff blocking traffic in several parts of Ratnagiri. Authorities have assured action against the culprit and urged protestors to remain calm. This incident comes amid national outrage over the recent rape and murder of a doctor inside Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital1.
Our thoughts are with the survivor, and we hope for swift justice in this distressing case. As the investigation continues, the police are actively searching for the auto-rickshaw driver responsible for this heinous crime1.
The victim is currently undergoing medical treatment and is being provided with counseling. The police have assured that they will do everything in their power to bring justice to the victim and her family.
Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.
If you or someone you know needs support, please reach out to local helplines or organizations that provide assistance to survivors of sexual assault. Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources available to help you during difficult times. 🙏🏼