India marked a momentous occasion today as it celebrated its inaugural National Space Day on August 23, 2024. The theme for this special day was “Touching lives while touching the Moon: India’s space saga.” The significance of this celebration stems from India’s historic achievement in 2023 when the Chandrayaan-3 mission successfully completed a soft landing on the Moon. This remarkable feat made India the fourth country to accomplish such a landing and the first to touch down on the lunar South Pole.
The government of India declared National Space Day to honor the contributions of Indian scientists, engineers, and astronauts who have played a pivotal role in India’s space program. The day also aims to inspire future generations to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Various institutions across the country joined in the festivities, organizing public events to commemorate this milestone. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Ministers Hardeep Singh Puri, Nitin Gadkari, and Mansukh Mandaviya expressed their joy over India’s space achievements. Mr. Modi emphasized that the government has taken futuristic decisions in the space sector and will continue to do so.
Acknowledging various missions on National Space Day
Hardeep Singh Puri, acknowledging the role of Indian Oil’s Cryogenics, highlighted the ongoing space saga under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visionary leadership, including preparations for the Gaganyaan mission in 2024.
Nitin Gadkari celebrated India’s cosmic strides, from Chandrayaan-3’s lunar triumph to the awe-inspiring Aditya-L1 solar mission. He saluted the brilliance of Indian scientists and the ISRO crew, who continue to explore boundless frontiers. 🌏
Mansukh Mandaviya summed it up beautifully: “As the nation comes together to celebrate the National Space Day, we fondly remember the historic achievement of our scientists. It marks a watershed moment in our quest for space exploration, and we remain committed to the goal of ‘Touching Lives While Touching the Moon’.” 🌠🌎