In a heart-wrenching incident, a 19-year-old student from Faridabad, Aryan Mishra, was tragically shot and killed by cow vigilantes who mistook him for a cattle smuggler. The incident occurred near the Gadpuri toll plaza in Palwal, Haryana, on the night of August 23.
Aryan, a Class 12 student, was traveling with friends in a Duster SUV when they were chased for approximately 25 kilometers by a group of vigilantes. The group, led by Anil Kaushik, had received a tip-off about alleged cattle smugglers in the area. Mistaking Aryan and his friends for the suspects, they pursued the vehicle and opened fire, fatally wounding Aryan.
The chase began when the vigilantes spotted the SUV near Sector-21C in Faridabad. Despite attempts to evade the pursuers, the vehicle was intercepted near the Gadpuri toll plaza. In the ensuing chaos, Aryan was struck by a bullet and succumbed to his injuries the following day.
Five suspects, identified as Anil Kaushik, Varun, Krishna, Adesh, and Saurabh, have been arrested and are currently in judicial remand. The police have recovered the murder weapon from one of the accused’s residences1.
This tragic incident has sparked outrage and calls for stricter measures against vigilante justice. Aryan’s family and friends are left devastated, mourning the loss of a young life cut short by a case of mistaken identity.
Authorities are urging the public to refrain from taking the law into their own hands and to report any suspicious activities to the police. The investigation is ongoing, and further details are awaited.
This incident highlights the urgent need for better regulation to prevent such tragedies in the future. Our thoughts are with Aryan’s family during this difficult time. It is crucial to promote tolerance and understanding among different communities and to avoid resorting to violence.