Indian telecom giant Bharti Airtel has announced the closure of its music streaming platform, Wynk Music, after nearly a decade of serving over 100 million customers. The decision comes as the music streaming vertical faced challenges in monetization. Airtel will absorb all Wynk Music employees into its fold following the shutdown1.
In a strategic move, Airtel has partnered with Apple Inc., offering exclusive deals to users. Initially, Wynk users will receive a free trial of Apple Music, with the option to transition to paid subscriptions. This collaboration not only allows Airtel to exit a competitive market but also provides Apple with a substantial new user base in India2.
“While Wynk Music has played a valuable role in our digital ecosystem, we believe that focusing on our core strengths in telecom services is essential for our long-term growth,” said a spokesperson for Bharti Airtel.
Earlier this year, Airtel also joined forces with Apple to bundle services like Apple TV+ and Apple Music with its WiFi and Postpaid plans, providing Indian users access to top-notch global content2. With Wynk Music’s closure, Airtel aims to enhance its music streaming offerings by leveraging Apple’s expertise in the field.
As the music landscape evolves, Airtel’s strategic decisions reflect the changing preferences of users and the need to stay competitive in the digital entertainment space3. Whether this move will resonate with consumers remains to be seen, but it marks the end of an era for Wynk Music and opens a new chapter for Airtel’s music services.
Stay tuned for further updates as the transition unfolds! 🎵📱🍎